A transition has begun where advertising platforms are becoming shopping platforms.
moreHow to finally fix the annoying adaptive brightness on Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 with AMD Processor
Does your Microsoft Surface laptop adjust 10% brightness when you switch between light and dark applications on your laptop?
moreWhy You Should See Race
Ask: Try to see the connection between socio-economic status and race.
It’s something that once you see, you cannot unsee.
It took me around 20 years (I’m 23) to see the connection between socio-economic status and race. I think there exists many teenagers, 20 year olds, 40 years olds, and 60 year olds who still haven’t seen this connection.
moreLack of sympathy towards complex systems
Warning: Writing this goes against the trend of the customer is always right. Scary.
During the early days of quarantine, I sat around a dim lit hot fire with my father, girlfriend, and neighbor – you’re typical neighborhood dad. With a glare across his huge smile, he spoke excitedly of how he let his kids earn their living by holding down jobs like cashier, waitress, etc… The types of jobs you often find other high schoolers and college students filling. His purpose was that one day, when his son or his daughter is standing in a grocery store line, 30 years from now, they’ll have a lot more patience and understanding for that person behind the counter – who just couldn’t get the damn bananas’ bar code to scan!
moreProtected: Where I want to be January 1st 2020
Relative Time
No, we’re not talking Einstein’s theory of relativity. This is a bit simpler.
After a 5-day workweek, how do you feel on Saturday morning?
Hello World! Why am I making a blog?
Despite my imposter syndrome, I’m a filmmaker.
The video medium feels limiting to me. I can’t always capture what I want to say.
With that, and also a desire to have a place to call home on the internet, A City Away was born.